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Functie: SAP MM WM PP consultant
Beschikbaar in overleg
Zoekt: job voor langere termijn

OPLEIDING: Miscellaneous Courses Nederland-Noord Brabant-Eindhoven
• MM, SD, PP training
• MM certification
• APICS – CPIM (logistics degree)
• Material handling and logistics
• Information analysis (Philips internal training)
• Integral logistics
• Project Management
• Consultancy in automation

11/1978 University of Technology, Eindhoven (NL), Industrial Engineering Nederland-Noord Brabant-Eindhoven

INFORMATIE: languages:
Dutch (fluent), English (fluent)
German (fair), French (fair)
Spanish (little)



Doelstelling: senior SAP logistics implementation contractor
modules MM, WM, PP, PP-PI (SD)
10 years experience in many international projects (Europe, USA, Asia) - no nonsense, user-oriented, good teamplayer, shares expertise with others / juniors, satisfied customers

ERVARING: 1/2005 - Huidig Philips Medical Systems Best, The Netherlands
Branche: Electronica
SAP PP / WM / MM Consultant

Design Enhancements and Support existing PP and WM system in large industrial environment (sites Netherlands, US, Finland); 2nd line support, innovations / small projects. Main areas: Variant Configuration, WM-PP interface, BW, general SAP supply chain process, Master data interfacing

11/2004 - 12/2004 H.J. Heinz Hayes, United Kingdom
Branche: Levensmiddelen/Gemaksproducten

Setup Prototype as model for large worldwide SAP implementation. Prototype to be finished end 2004. Focusing on WM + integration with PP-PI, MM and QM; main topics: Structuring the Warehouse (various storage types, putaway / picking strategies, capacity check); Handling Unit management; Material staging between warehouse and Production; PI sheets; batch management / traceability issues; Inbound / Outbound transactions; MM master data.

9/2004 - 11/2004 MacGregor Cranes Örnsköldsvik, Sweden
Branche: Techniek

Short project for setup blueprint for implementation of PS, PP, MM, Material planning, Procurement-, intercompany and sales logistics in a Project manufacturing environment : building heavy cranes for ships. Complex BOM- and network structures had to be integrated; partly order-initiated as well as MRP- (stock-) controlled material planning / procurement; differentiated sourcing parameters and logistics, complex material planning and distribution control model design and implementation.

5/2004 - 8/2004 ThermPhos Vlissingen, Liverpool
Branche: Chemische industrie
SAP PP Consultant

Transferring 4.0 PP, MM and WM functionality from a newly acquired company (2 plants) into clients own 4.7 system: analysis of existing process and SAP functions: configuration of MM, PP, WM; Master data (Materials, BOMs, Routings) and Stocks uploads, Training, SAP ABAP Query reporting, Documentation

4/2004 - 4/2004 Saint-Gobain Abrasives Eibergen, The Netherlands
Branche: Chemische industrie
SAP PP Consultant

Implementation of Detailed shopfloor scheduling (PP) using graph. Planning tables; minimizing total setup time (setup-matrix functionality); Devel. ABAP reports for shopfloor dispatching.

10/2003 - 2/2004 Asahi KASEI Plastics Bangkok (Thailand)
PP-PI consultant

Prototyping, Configuring, Implementing PP-PI: Planning strategies (MTO/MTS), MRP, BOMs, Master Recipes, Inegration with QM, Process Orders, Proc. Instr., Capacity Leveling/Scheduling, Proc. Mngmnt, Reporting, Documentation, Go-live support. MM (IM)

8/2003 - 10/2003 CAT Logistics Brussels
MM-WM consultant

Define, configure, test and document MM and WM processes and interfaces in a complex warehousing environment incl. HU management.
- Outbound (Deliveries, Shipments, Wave picking and Bundling of picking, Drop points, Packing / Handling Unit management, Truck loading as well as monitors for these processes)
- Internal (internal automatic replenishments and monitoring)
- Inbound (defining nterfaces with the clients ordering system, goods receipt)

6/2003 - 7/2003 Accenture / SaraLee Pont Audemer, France
PP-WM-MM consultant / trainer

Training key-users on MM, WM and PP processes (Receiving, Warehousing, Material staging for production, Putatay/Picking strategies, Poduction Master data, Prod. oders, HU-management, (Intercompnay) Stock transfers etc.

2/2002 - Huidig Philips Medical Systems Boston (USA)
senior SAP MM WM consultant

Roll-out of MM and WM of central ERP system in US-organisation
Full implementation of Warehouse system, Inbound, Internal and Outbound processes, integration with SAP Console/Radio Frequency barcode scanning, Post-go-live support, Information systems/Reporting, Training.

10/2001 - 2/2002 CAT logistics Brussels, Belgium
WM consultant

Testing WM processes in large Warehousing operation (Kodak, Harley-Davidson) for go-live :
- Setup complex Placement and Removal Strategies + testing
- RF (Radio Frequency barcode scanning) interface (SAP console)
- Testing own developed Let-down processes (replenishment processes from high rack (bulk storage) via Intermediate storage (cases) to Pieces storage (small bins for actual order picking)
- Inbound process (Deliveries, Putaway)
- Outbound processes (picking, bundling, shipping)

4/2001 - 10/2001 SIDMAR STEEL Gent, Belgium
SAP MM : Warehousing / Procurement Redesign consul

SAP MM consultant: fine-tuning the existing SAP system in order to optimize :
- Stock balancing and replenishment mechanism
- Adapting the Purchasing process and parameters
- Detailed program specification for statistical quality inspection integrated in SAP goods receipt process
- Internal warehouse procedures

3/2001 - 7/2001 aOP – (Vandemoortele-Cargill Izegem - Belgium
SAP MM - WM consultant

- Materials Management : Purchasing, MRP, Inventory management, Master data upload, Configuration, Interfacing MM with WM.
- Warehouse Management : stock placement and picking strategies, storage bin setup, transfer orders, interfacing SAP with RF-barcode scanning system, interfacing WM with MM

8/2000 - 2/2001 ELECTRABEL Brussles, Belgium
SAP MM / PS consultant

- Analysis of very extensive SAP implementation for internal knowledge transfer to clients’ own support staff ; area's : existing total system setup for Materials Management (Purchasing, MRP, Inventory management and distributed warehouse stock replenishment, Subcontracting, Invoice verification, Information system etc.)
- Program specification and testing for developments in MM
- Testing and training in the area of Euro-conversion (MM)
- In depth customizing
- Variant configuration in PS, interface with MM and CO

3/1998 - 3/2001 DANZER FURNIERE Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, US
SAP MM & PP consultant

This company, with world-wide interests, is involved in Lumber and Veneer production and marketing.
Senior core consultant for the MM and PP implementation:
- Definition of core model for both modules.
- Pilot implementation
- Roll out coordination for the MM and PP implementation world-wide.
- Documentation and Training
MM : in depth functional + customizing : Purchasing, Inventory mgt, Invoice verification, Accounting, Master data, Roll-outs etc.
PP : in depth functional + customizing : Production control, long term planning

7/1996 - 3/1998 UNILEVER Brussels, Belgium
SAP MM & PP / PP-PI consultant

Implementation of MM and PP in small factory
- Definition of core model for both modules.
- Pilot implementation (Purchasing, Inventory mgt, Account Determination, Master data (Materials, BOM’s, Routings, Workcenters), Production orders and Reporting
- PP-PI (process industry): Master Recipes, Process Instructions, component calculation based on Classification
- Setup Product Costing (CO)
In depth functional + customizing in Modules: MM , PP, PP-PI , CO-Product Costing

11/1994 - 5/1996 KONTRON – Electronic Medical Equipment Paris, France
SAP MM consultant

Implementation of MM :
- Definition of core model
- Implementation of Purchasing, Inventory mgt, Account Determination, Master data, Reporting, User Training
- After sales service logistics : flow of spare parts between main factory and subsidiaries, repair, valuation

3/1994 - 10/1996 Origin , Unilever , IBM Eindhoven (NL), Maarssen (NL), Brussels
Trainer MM/PP, consultant SD

miscelaneous SAP activities: training MM/PP, consultant SD

cv: 4008

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woensdag, 19-02-2025, 05:54:41