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Functie: Senior Technical SAP Consultant
Beschikbaar In overleg
Zoekt: opdrachten

General Education
Pedagogical Technical College Eindhoven (Electro Engineering)
MTS 's-Hertogenbosch (Company Automation)
LTS 's-Hertogenbosch (Electro Engineering)

Other Education
2005 TBW10 Data Warehousing
TADMD5 Certification Training
TADM200 Java WAS 2001
TABW90 Administration Business Warehouse 2000
HP-UX system and network Administration 1 & 2
High Availability and MC-Service guard
Knowledge in influence for advisers
ITIL Foundations 1999
BC 360 TCC Unix/Oracle
BC 315 Workload analysis
BC 305 Advanced system
administration Administration of MSSQL 70 databases
Internal Oracle/SAP Workshop at Walldorf 1998
SAP 50 Basis technologies BC 314 BC tech. core. comp. (Windows NT)
Oracle 8 Database administration BC 505 Database administration Oracle
WB915 Accelerated SAP
BC 340 SAP Going live
BC 400 ABAP/4 Basics of Development Workbench
Unix administration
BC 325 workbench Org & Transport Sys
1997 NT core technologies
Certificates Certificate for WAS 640 (XI) + ABAP en JAVA Certificate for 2002 Unix/Oracle/SAP R/3 4.6B Certificate for Unix/Oracle/SAP R/3 4.0B ITIL Foundations

Workshop optimizing and tuning of SAP Systems Basis AS400



Period: September 2006 - September 2006
Company: Bobitrans (Zaragoza ,Spain)
Line of business: Electric transformators
Environment: Windows
Function SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Installation of the SAP Landscape ( DEV and a production Cluster. Handover of Cluster Knowledge to the administrator.

Period: August 2006 - August 2006
Company: Prodrive
Line of business: Chip industry
Environment: Windows
Function SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Administrating , tests with send an receive process withthe XI system

Period: Mai 2006 - up till now
Company: The Sting
Line of business: All brands clothing company
Environment: Windows
Function SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Migration from unix to windows x64 and installation of BI 7.0 with the portal and ADS functionality

Period: Mai 2006 - up till now
Company: Ministry OCW
Line of business: Government
Environment: HP-UX
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Upgrade to BW 3.0 to BI 7.0 and Unicode conversion and installation of BI - JAVA component in the exsisting portal.

Period: Mai 2006 - up till now
Company: Aldipress
Line of business: Books and illustrated magazines - wholesale trade
Environment: Windows
Function SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Upgrade to BI 7.0 including the BI-Java and Portal functionality

Period: April 2006 - Up till now
Company: AUV
Line of business: veterinary surgeons cooperation
Environment: Windows 2003 - Oracle
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Migration of the SAP Environment fro m SAP Hosting to CTAC The landscape exists of ECC 5.0 an d XI 3.0 Solution Manager

Period: April 2006 - June 2006
Company: The Greenery international
Line of business: Auction of agrarian products
Environment: Windows 2003 - Oracle
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Upgrade of Oracle 8.1.7 to Oracle 9.2 and upgrade of SAP R/3 3.1I to ECC 5.0

Period: March 2006
Company: Aldipress
Line of business: Books and illustrated magazines - wholesale trade
Environment: Windows
Function SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Installation of Portal and XI systems.

Period: February 2006
Company: Province of North Brabant
Line of business: Government
Line of business:: Solaris
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Installation of a new system landscape, consisting of 3 systems. Main goal was the installation of the BW systems.

Period: January- February 2006
Company: Province of North Holland
Line of business: Government
Line of business:: Windows
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Installation of a new system landscape, consisting of 3 systems. Main goal was the installation of the BW and portal systems.

Period: November 2005 - January 2006
Company: Province of North Holland
Line of business: Government
Environment: HPUX - Oracle
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Upgrade of Oracle 9.2 to Oracle 10.G and upgrade of SAP ECC 5.0 to ECC 6.0

Period: October 2005 - December 2006
Company: Mammoet
Line of business: Heavy lifting and multi modal transport
Environment: Windows - Oracle
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Installation of new SAP hardware landscape (Blades/SAN/Central back-up). Migration of old landscape 'in-house' to hosting situation/contract. Upgrade to ECC 5.0 and Unicode conversion.

Period: October 2005 - November 2005
Company: The Greenery
Line of business: Auction of agrarian products
Environment: Unix/Windows - Oracle
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant/Project Leader
Activities: Installation of new SAP hardware landscape. Migration of Unix/Oracle to Windows/Oracle. Conversion of interfaces of Unix (scripting) to Windows (scripting/ABAP).

Period: September 2005
Company: Majestic USA (Seattle)
Line of business: Safety products
Environment: Windows - MSSQL
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Installation of an extra SAP Landscape and copy of the database of the mother company in the Netherlands. Education of the local system administrators.

Period: February 2005 - July 2005
Company: ECI books and records
Line of business: Books and music , media
Environment: UX - Windows
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Upgrade from 4.0B to Enterprise 6.20

Period: February 2005 - July 2005
Company: ECI books and records
Line of business: Books and music , media
Environment: UX - Windows
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Heterogenic migration of the SAP Environment at the mother company in Germany. It is an Database of 3.2TB on Solaris which is migrated to Windows 2003 on Oracle 9. At the same time, the upgrade of the development and acceptation environment, which were migrated, took place.

Period: March 2005
Company: Aldipress
Line of business: Books and illustrated magazines - wholesale trade
Environment: Windows
Function SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: For all the R/3 environment a LUN change has been carried out. The result was a performance improvement of 27. The R/3 environment consist of 3 systems with several satellite systems for interfaces.

Period: January 2005 - up till now
Company: Aldipress
Line of business: Books and illustrated magazines - wholesale trade
Line of business:: Windows
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: All the SAP BW environments were migrated from the old hardware to a new hardware and installed on a new SAN. The BW environment consist of 3 systems, where the production is opened up to the Internet.

Period: September 2004- January 2005
Company: Province of North Brabant
Line of business: Government
Line of business:: Solaris
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Installation of a new system landscape, consisting of 3 systems. Main goal was the linking of the received invoices to the SAP content server(s). After the installation and the going life, documentation was made and work instructions has been giving to the group of system administrators.

Period: June 2004 - September 2004
Company: De Harense Smid
Line of business: Retail
Environment: HPUX /Windows
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Migration of all the SAP environments from the old hardware to the new hardware, all systems are installed on SAN and are delivered to the system administration group, ready to manage. It was a heterogeneous migration of HPUX to Windows 2003. Beside the migration, several interfaces plaid a large roll in the activities. Delivering of work instructions.

Period: April 2004 - Augustus 2004
Company: KLM
Line of business: Aviation industry
Environment: AIX
Funtion: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Migration of all the SAP environments from the old hardware to the new hardware and an upgrade to Enterprise.

Period: January2004 - June 2004
Company: Aldipress
Line of business: Books and illustrated magazines - wholesale trade
Environment: Windows
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Migration of all the SAP environments from the old hardware to the new hardware, all systems are installed on SAN and are delivered to the system administration group, ready to manage. Several interfaces like mail, fax and mail code were opened up tot SAP. Delivering of work instructions.

Period: Augustus 2003 - December 2003
Company: Faber Flags
Line of business: Flags and promotion material - wholesale trade
Environment: Windows
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: Migration of SAP environments from the old hardware to the new hardware on a SAN environment and a stand-by database built with associated documentation. After the migration a upgrade to SAP Enterprise took place.

Period: January 2003 - September 2003
Company: Ministry OCW
Line of business: Government
Environment: HP-UX
Function: SAP R/3 Technical Consultant
Activities: All SAP environments were moved to a new SAP environment and afterwards an upgrade was carried out. The landscape consists of 3 SAP R/3 systems and 3 BW systems with IGS

Period: September 1999- December 2002
Company: Ctac
Line of business: Remote technical management
Environment: Several clients (Greenery, Sybron, AMC, Twence, University Maastricht, Faber electronics, SVM, Ministry of OC&W)
Function: BC consultant
Activities: Responsible for technical maintenance of the hard- and software, operating systems and the SAP software of SAP systems Tasks were: · Daily maintenance and Trouble shooting. · Database administration (mainly oracle, sometimes MS SQL) · Optimizing and tuning of SAP systems (including BW-systems) · Coordination of changes and incidents · Upgrades · Database copy's · Installations · Coaching juniors · Coaching on technical side of projects · Euro migrations

Period: September 1996-September 1999
Company: SAP Nederland b.v.
Line of business: ICT-BC
Environment: Several clients (Quadram, Philips Drachten, AMC, Holec, Crossfield, etc.)
Function: Basis consultant
Activities: Responsible for technical aspects on SAP-implementations. This includes the hard- and software, operating systems and the SAP software. Tasks were: · Installations · Upgrades · Database export/import · Technical Project advisor/leader during sap implementations · Trainer for SAP courses · Daily SAP maintenance en trouble shooting. · Database administration (mainly oracle, sometimes MS SQL) · Optimizing and tuning of SAP systems

cv: 4780

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dinsdag, 18-02-2025, 23:00:17